Located off the road from Whitegate to Portumna. Heading north past Coos just after Tuohy’s petrol pump and general store take the 1st left before the Coos river bridge go up 3 miles, a white double chimney farm house and barn sits down on the right.
Coming South from Portumna past Gorteeny just after crossing Coos river go right 3 miles up the road.
The cheapest bus from Dublin is Kearns Transport. It leaves at 6pm from the corner of O’ Connel street and Cathal Brugha Street and goes to Portumna which is only 20 minutes away from the farm and is an easy pickup, every day but Sunday when it leaves at 5:15. It cost 10 euros or 15 return and takes just over 3 hours.
It is also possable to take a bus from Limmerick to Scariff M.-Fri. leaving Limerick at 1:30 arriving at 2:35 or 5:30 pm arriving at 6:50 in Scariff where we can pick you up. There is only 1 bus on Saturday leaving Limerick at 1:15 arriving at 2:25. No bus on Sunday or Holidays.
It is also possible to get a minivan from Ennis by contacting ECAT(East Clare Accessible Transport)and riding as far as Scariff or Whitegate but it must be booked in advance by calling 061 924375 or emailing to ecatfeakle@eircom.net.
Train or bus to Ennis and arrange meeting – 00353 +(0)61 926932
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